Women Prayer Halls in the Grand Mosque of Makkah

There are 68 women prayer halls in the Grand Mosque of Makkah. They are distributed as follows:

  • 20 prayer halls in the Mataf courtyard, King Fahd expansion, and basements.
  • 48 prayer halls in the third Saudi expansion.

These prayer halls are supervised by more than 120 female employees, who work throughout the day in four shifts. Some halls are allocated to women with disabilities.
Several women prayer halls are equipped with smart robot guidance for fatwas, explaining how to perform rituals, issuing fatwas and answering questions, and communicating with sheikhs remotely in various languages.

Services provided by female employees in women prayer halls:

  • Guidance and organization of the rows of women in the prayer halls.
  • Ensuring smooth movement in women-only corridors and facilities, opening prayer halls, and closing the ones that get full.
  • Offering advice to and raising awareness of women visitors, teaching them how to pray and perform ablution and funeral prayer, as well as holding sessions to correct and master recitation of the Holy Quran.
  • In women prayer halls, guidance and counseling are provided in several world languages.