Fatwa Services

A group of ulema, university students, Sharia court officers, religious institute teachers, etc., answer the questions of Hajj and ‘Umrah pilgrims on rituals and legal matters through the program for answering questions provided by the General Administration for Guidance and Counseling in the Grand Mosque of Makkah. There are 19 program offices in the Grand Mosque. These offices also distribute useful guidance and legal leaflets.

Ifta Offices:

  • 10 offices inside the Grand Mosque of Makkah
  • 9 cabins in the outer courtyards and entrances to the Grand Mosque

Working hours: 24 hours a day

Attention: When Ifta offices are crowded, use the dial free phones available at King Abdulaziz Gate, King Fahd Gate, and at the Ifta offices. You will be answered directly when you pick up the phone.

Fatwas for Women via the Robot Guidance:
Robot guidance provides fatwa services and information in a modern electronic way for women visiting the Grand Mosque. The service is available in several women prayer halls in the Grand Mosque and presents information on how to perform the Hajj and ‘Umrah rituals in 11 world languages.