
The Haram Mosque and its holy site services have been developed and expanded in conformity with highest standards. It has become an example in service quality and construction grandeur. A pilgrim usually needs to use the escalators to go up or down in the Sanctuary and its squares to access services, so here are the most important warnings for when using the escalators:

  • Do not sit on the escalator even if you are tired.
    Stand firmly on the escalator and hold the handrail.
  • Women should be careful that their hijabs and loose clothes do not get stuck at the end of the escalator.
  • Walk immediately after the escalator reaches the end so that people do not collide with you from behind.
  • Do not place wheelchairs onto the escalator unless you do so with the help of a competent person.
  • If you have an elderly person or a person who is not accustomed to taking the escalator, be by his side and hold him to protect him from falling.
  • Do not push people or annoy your fellow pilgrims if there is crowding when going up or down, and give your brothers an opportunity to get on.
  • Do not place your foot on the side brush at the bottom of the escalator as this may injure you and disrupt the cleaning system of the escalator.
  • Go to the nearest hospital if you experience any nosebleed, headache or cramps.