Visiting Al-Baqi’ Cemetery

Al-Baqi’ Cemetery

  • It has been the cemetery of the Prophet’s city since the time of the Prophet, (blessings and peace be upon him). Many dead people have been buried there over the ages, foremost among them are some of the mothers of the believers, and a large number of honorable companions, (may Allah be pleased with them).

Location of Al-Baqi’ Cemetery

  • Al-Baqi Cemetery is located to the southeast of the Prophet’s Mosque. It has an area of 180,000m².

Why is it called “Al-Baqi'”?

  • It was given this name because it used to have many trees. “Al-Baqi'” refers to a vast place where various types of trees grow.

Visiting Al-Baqi’ Cemetery

  • It is permissible for a visitor of the Prophet’s Mosque and Madinah to visit Al-Baqi Cemetery to greet and pray for the buried companions, followers, the righteous predecessors and others. The Prophet, (blessings and peace be upon him), used to frequently visit Al-Baqi’ Cemetery and pray for the dead.

What shall you say when visiting Al-Baqi’ Cemetery?

  • “Peace be upon you, the dwelling of a believing people. By the will of Allah, we will be joining you.”
  • Whenever the Prophet, (blessings and peace be upon him), passed by Al-Baqi’, he used to say, “Oh Allah, forgive the inhabitants of Baqi’ Al-Gharqad.”