Mount Uhud

Mount Uhud is a magnificent mountain, about 4 km to the north of the Prophet’s Mosque. The Noble Prophet, (blessings and peace be upon him), assigned it a special status; he said, “Uhad is a mountain that loves us and we love it.” The Battle of Uhud, which is one of the greatest battles in the history of Islam, took place in the vicinity of this mountain. Seventy companions of the Prophet met martyrdom in this battle, notably among them is the sayyed of all martyrs, Hamzah bin Abdulmuttalib, (may Allah be pleased with him).

Why was ‘Mount Uhud’ called by this name?

Because it stands alone, separated from other mountains in the area. It extends as a chain from east to west and slants towards the north.

Approximate Dimensions:

  • Length: 7 km
  • Width: 2-3 km
  • Altitude: up to 1,077 m

In this area, visitors will see Mount Uhud, the Archers’ Mount, and the Martyrs’ Cemetery.

This mountain can be reached through two means of transportation

Madinah buses

  • The starting point is the Haram
  • Madinah bus station (Al-Haram-Uhud) Sightseeing buses