Mount Noor (Jabal An-Noor) and the cave of Hira

Mount Noor is the place where Allah honored His Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him) with prophethood. This is where he used to spend his time in worship of his Lord and in contemplation of Allah’s creation.

In this cave the history of mankind changed when Gabriel conveyed the revelation from Allah to Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him). The first thing that was revealed was: {Read! In the name of your Lord Who creates. [He] creates man from a clot. Read! And your Lord is the Most Bounteous. It is He Who teaches by the pen. [He] teaches man that which he does not know.}

The location of the Cave of Hira’:

  • North of the Grand Mosque, at the top of Jabal An-Noor.
  • The cave is about 4.8 km (3 miles) from Makkah.
  • Elevation: approximately 634 m (2080 ft.)
  • The cave is a natural void with its entrance towards the north, which can accommodate up to 9 sitting people. It is about 1.6 m.

Please note: It is neither obligatory nor recommended to visit the cave as it has nothing to do with the Hajj rituals. It should be noted that it is difficult for the elderly and sick to reach the cave.